Rio 2016

"The girls n boys done great" . I hope we all can get behind our Paralympians in a similar fashion, although their games seem to have been so sadly undervalued because of funding issues with rumours of venues closing , hopefully all events will go ahead. I cannot imagine the heartbreak and anger if events are cancelled after all the effort they have expended to get there to compete .

In my own personal view they should be supported and admired as equally, if not even more, as our Olympic participants who have just competed and been so successful .
You know, I watched some of the Olympics; gymnastics, diving, etc. but somehow it didn't seem to have the pizzazz that the Olympics usually have. Something about the raw sewage issue, people losing their homes due to the building of the Olympic venues and condos, the green swimming pool water, and all of those other issues.
Hope most of you enjoyed the Olympics. I know its not everyone's cup of tea but its been great to be british over the last few weeks
Agree, not really my normal viewing choice but then often out and about anyway.

Interesting statistic is that if Yorkshire had been an independent country it would have come 13th in the medal table.
We tried to watch the Olympics here on US TV but all we
could find were US-dominated events. We really are into
cycling. So I found lots of cycling events to download
and we watched them instead.