Selling beer.

Do you get the impression that some of those beer ads were just the tiniest bit sexist?

Just smidgin but there aimed at men so are bound to have either naked woman or a misogynistic edge. Adverts for beer back then were solely aimed at men so they had to be "Manly" the same as washing up liquid adverts had a woman in a pinny worrying about the softness of her hands.

All adverts are sexest in some way or another its just the balance is now becoming more balanced. Note the diet Coke adverts! Which is sexest in two ways, one, showing a man scantily dressed with woman lusting after him and two, note how its assumed that its only women who want diet Coke!

This could end up being the kinda thread that gets people kicked off ;D
We just need Dick to pitch in with their 2 pence worth and we're off to the races :D
Just smidgin but there aimed at men so are bound to have either naked woman or a misogynistic edge. Adverts for beer back then were solely aimed at men so they had to be "Manly" the same as washing up liquid adverts had a woman in a pinny worrying about the softness of her hands.

All adverts are sexest in some way or another its just the balance is now becoming more balanced. Note the diet Coke adverts! Which is sexest in two ways, one, showing a man scantily dressed with woman lusting after him and two, note how its assumed that its only women who want diet Coke!

This could end up being the kinda thread that gets people kicked off ;D
We just need Dick to pitch in with their 2 pence worth and we're off to the races :D
There is only one of me I'm not split personality! :eek::02:
I am but the Pepsi adverts don't have half naked men in them so I'm a bit of a fair weather supporter :D :me: :12: