Series 21 & 22 DVD (Playback DVD)


Dedicated Member
Recently starting continuing my DVD collection (now I've found some cheap ones) and noticed the order of episodes on Series 21 & 22 (sic).

They have listed Last Post and Pigeon as immediately before the funeral trilogy.

Now when first transmitted, between Last Post and the trilogy there were three regular episodes with Compo.

I have to say I PREFER the way the episodes have been wrongly arranged on the DVD.

I always thought they should have been transmitted this way.

Magic and the Morris Minor wasn't a good final farewell to Compo - but Last Post and Pigeon definitely was.
I see your point, but personally I prefer DVD releases be in the order broadcast. There are a bunch of seasons of SW where that was not the case, and it's particularly jarring when character introductions are impacted.
What we really need is to have them in the order they were written. The BBC had a habit of pulling one out of the lineup to make it a special - thus throwing the continuity off. The one that comes to mind right now is The Loxley Lozenge. It was broadcast December 30, 1984 and had Milburn (Crusher) in it. Then he was introduced in Keeping Britain Tidy on February 17, 1985. If what I've read is correct, that was because the BBC wanted a New Year's special so they pulled Loxley Lozenge from its regular slot.

They also decided to put them in the order where the strongest programs were at the beginning and the end of the season leaving the weaker ones in the middle. Again that could throw things off. I often wish we could know the order in which Roy wrote the scripts and I think we'd then have the best order in which to watch them.
I prefer DVD releases be in the order broadcast.

Looking here at the LOTSW DVD series 5&6 DVD 3.

It has episodes 44 45 29 37 38

Makes it hard to watch the shows in order.

That's why I do prefer to download or create episodes as separate
AVI files that I can watch in order.