Series Eight


Staff member
Series eight, a lot going on in this season, we have the first appearances of Crusher, Pearl, Howard and Marina.

My all time favourite The Mysterious Feet Of Nora Batty, just cracks me up, Wally is just at his best in the pub and in the kitchen I can't fault this episode at all.

Its also the first time we say goodbye to Foggy in Who's looking After the Cafe Then? so its a little bitter sweet.

The episode I wasn't keen on is Keeping Britain Tidy but I watch it to see Crusher make an entrance.
I like Mysterious Feet etc but Keeping Britain Tidy does not ring many bells! :12: Even with Wally's appearance!!
I think The Loxley Lozenge was hastily turned into the 1984 Christmas special, so the episodes were in a different order - hence Crusher was edited out for the sake of continuity, though both verions of Loxley are widely available.

I think Keeping Britain Tidy was a first class episode - and Brian Glover makes my favourite guest appearance in LOTSW.

Like Series 6, Series 8 was another perfect series - though I have to say I don't like Enter the Phantom much. Don't know why.

Shame Brian Wilde didn't make a scripted exit.
I think The Loxley Lozenge was hastily turned into the 1984 Christmas special, so the episodes were in a different order - hence Crusher was edited out for the sake of continuity, though both verions of Loxley are widely available.

I think Keeping Britain Tidy was a first class episode - and Brian Glover makes my favourite guest appearance in LOTSW.

Like Series 6, Series 8 was another perfect series - though I have to say I don't like Enter the Phantom much. Don't know why.

Shame Brian Wilde didn't make a scripted exit.
As I've said before WSTOL it would not do for us all to think the same. :smile:
I think Keeping Britain Tidy was a first class episode - and Brian Glover makes my favourite guest appearance in LOTSW.

Like Series 6, Series 8 was another perfect series - though I have to say I don't like Enter the Phantom much. Don't know why.

Shame Brian Wilde didn't make a scripted exit.

In this case, I am with WSTOL. I absolutely LOVE Keeping Britain Tidy. The entire episode is hilarious with Foggy bring at his best, self-assured he is doing what's best when he is only making things worse.

The scene at the Batty residence is pure gold; Nora and Wally at their absolute finest.

I also agree that Enter the Phontom was a bit of a let down, for no other real reason than it doesn't stand up to the many classics in this Series. By itself, it is probably fine.
I think The Loxley Lozenge was hastily turned into the 1984 Christmas special, so the episodes were in a different order - hence Crusher was edited out for the sake of continuity, though both verions of Loxley are widely available.

Yes, I have both versions. Was never sure why the two?? Really
prefer the version with Crusher -- was his first appearance and all.
I like Mysterious Feet etc but Keeping Britain Tidy does not ring many bells! :12: Even with Wally's appearance!!
Its one of my favourites dick,its the one with Brian Glover as Ogden Butterclough who spends the entire episode carrying a car wheel,and I love the scene where they all actually get inside Nora Battys house to ask Wally for a lift,and Nora shouts that he is Not giving them a lift,and wrags him out of the room,Wally was fabulous,I love to watch and hear him,liked the Oggie character too,wish he was in more or even become a regular member of the cast,I often think that,I watched Sadly Madly Bradly recently,and thought that the downbeat Bradley,brother in law of Billy,could have been in more.
I agree with those that consider "The Mysterious Feet of Nora Batty" a great episode. That sequence where they are sitting around Wally's pigeon shed is just brilliantly written and acted.

The rest of the series is mostly pretty good as well, though I've never found "Who's Watching the Café" all that enjoyable. I'm not sure if its because I know Foggy is about to depart or if some of the jokes seem forced.

It would have been nice to see Foggy depart in some official way, I guess, but it doesn't sound like they knew that when they were filming the series. Brian Wilde had been talking about leaving the show for a few years at that point, including declaring he was done after "Getting Sam Home" (where they had a back-up idea filmed that would have been his departure shot), but then he agreed to come back for Series 8. So they probably thought there was a chance he'd be back for Series 9.