Series Fourteen


Staff member
And we're back on trick.

I love this series. I can't decide if I like Camera Shy or Ordeal By Trouser best, they're both great episodes.

The only fly in this ointment, for me its Errol Flynn Had A Pair Like That but it still had some funny moments in it.
I agree a great series. I do Like "The Magnificent Thighs of Ernie Berniston" particularly the last scene when the boys find out Ernie has had a hernia. "Ordeal by Trousers" and "Happy Birthday Howard" stand out as well.
Camera Shy, ordeal by Trousers and Wheelies would be my stand out episodes this year. Howard was at his terrified best in Camera shy :39:
For what it's worth, I'm going to say that for me the series started to get weak from this point.

Just my own opinion, you understand.

I found the interior scenes shot on film depressing - looks good on feature length versions, but not very TV like. IMO.

I found the series to be too reliant on secondary characters, particularly with the re-introduction of Jean Alexander. IMO.

I also found the series was becoming very samey, and the structure of each episode, particularly the 'early morning' scenes, repetitive too. IMO.

The show was still ok though, but it had changed IMO.

The show stuck to this format for many years from this point.

I like Camera Shy and The Phantom of the Graveyard best.

Like Series 8 and Series 13, the Christmas Special was neither long or Christmassy, so it's a little surprising they are referred to as specials.
I agree a great series. I do Like "The Magnificent Thighs of Ernie Berniston" particularly the last scene when the boys find out Ernie has had a hernia. "Ordeal by Trousers" and "Happy Birthday Howard" stand out as well.

Add Wheelies to these Happyjack and you have my favourites for this series ;D
I am also one who is high on camera shy, especially with everyone gathered together in the end with Foggy's crazy video and Howard's nervousness.

I also agree with WSTOL's comments and this is the time that really good ones such as Camera Shy become a bit rare.
I'm also a fan of this series. Almost all the episodes are good, though I have always wondered about the end of "Who's Got Rhythm?" They never explain exactly how Compo got that set-up from Auntie or what the consequences of it getting destroyed was.

"Stop that Castle" may not be holiday themed (many of the specials weren't) but I think its a pretty good episode.