Series Seven


Staff member
Series seven was good because Wally was excellent in White Man's Grave. They're getting out more in this season and doing more physical scenes which seemed to turn it into a new area.

For me Cheering up Ludovic was a let down but even then it had some funny moments with Nora and Wally.

The jewel in this season/years crown is Getting Sam Home, it reduces me to tears whilst laughing my head off.
Yes "Getting Sam Home" and "The Arts of Concealment" my favourites. I agree with Pearl "Cheering up Ludovic" and also "The Waist Land" not too good but both had their moments.
Agree with you Pearl about Getting Sam Home, a wonderful episode. A beautiful arrangement of the Summer Wine song played over the best opening scenes of any episode in my opinion. So poignant as well with John Comer's illness. If I were told that I could only see one episode of Summer Wine ever again it would be this one, hands down. I'm not usually given to getting emotional watching TV but this one does it to me :'(
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Series seven was good because Wally was excellent in White Man's Grave. They're getting out more in this season and doing more physical scenes which seemed to turn it into a new area.

For me Cheering up Ludovic was a let down but even then it had some funny moments with Nora and Wally.

The jewel in this season/years crown is Getting Sam Home, it reduces me to tears whilst laughing my head off.
I'm with you on this pet, some good Wally scenes .;D
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Agree with you Pearl about Getting Sam Home, a wonderful episode. A beautiful arrangement of the Summer Wine song played over the best opening scenes of any episode in my opinion. So poignant as well with John Comer's illness. If I were told that I could only see one episode of Summer Wine ever again it would be this one, hands down. I'm not usually given to getting emotional watching TV but this one does it to me :'(

Me too Steve, thats the one I'd pick without a doubt :D
I always view Series 7 as a let down after Series 6. Lotterby came back to do this one and I think his style pales a bit in comparison to what Bell had done the year before. "Arts of Concealment" is easily my favorite episode while "Waist Land' is probably one of my least favorite LOTSW episodes of all time.

"Getting Sam Home" isn't really the same series, even if it is packaged as such. Bell directed that, not Lotterby. It was filmed in '83, while the rest of Series 7 was filmed in '82.
I think Getting Sam Home would certainly be regarded as inclusive with series 7. The episode numbers for series 7 start with no. 48 for The Frozen Turkey Man and end with Getting Sam Home at no. 54.
I guess "Getting Sam Home" could be grouped with either season 7 or 8 since it's in between them. The USA packaging has it with season 8, so I tend to think of it there. But regardless of that it's a good episode and I watch it frequently.
I think of season 7 as weak too. While the directing by Sidney Lotterby is probably partly at fault, I feel the writing was weaker in this series. Makes you wonder if Roy Clarke was under pressure to get these out in a hurry or something or if he had other projects he was more interested in. "The White Man's Grave" and "The Arts of Concealment" were the best of the regular episodes. I don't watch the other's very often.
I like Series 7, I think the episodes are good, and the directing is good.

Though sometimes you can't help thinking Series 7 should be placed between Series 5 and Series 6 - possibly because of the return of Sydney Lotterby as director.

I like The Frozen Turkey Man best from this series - for me it's just one of those perfect episodes.