Series Seventeen


Staff member
I Like this series a lot, I think Brushes At Dawn is fantastic so is The Suit That Turned Left.

The one I'm not so keen on is Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure but having said that seeing Marina and Howard down a hole was quite funny.

The trio seemed to be on good form this last few series so its good to watch these ones.
Yes I agree Pearl another good series. Funny though I thought "Brushes at Dawn" the weaker of the episodes. But I find it hard to separate the other ones. Maybe "The Glamour of the Uniform" just edges it. Just a humble male persons opinion you understand.:rolleyes:
I Like this series a lot, I think Brushes At Dawn is fantastic so is The Suit That Turned Left.

The one I'm not so keen on is Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure but having said that seeing Marina and Howard down a hole was quite funny.

The trio seemed to be on good form this last few series so its good to watch these ones.

I like most of this series except Captain Clutterbuck,, Desperate for a Duffield has its moments .A Leg Up For Christmas has some good scenes especially when Santa walks by Marina trapped on the roof!!:biggrin:
I believe Brushes at Dawn is the strongest. Glamour of the uniform is good too.

However, I also liked Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure and how the trio went from highlly skeptical to willing to purchase the map. Perhaps it is just me, but I see influences from Bandit from Stoke-on-Trent.
Brushes at Dawn for me too. I love the early morning scene in the cafe and the huge breakfast that Ivy has set before Compo. Compo's 'just out of bed look' with his hair all over the place is brilliantly done.
I think Brushes at Dawn is very good too.

I also like A Leg Up for Christmas.

Although it's predictable, I can't help liking Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure.
This was the first series I saw that featured Compo. All the episodes I had seen before watching this series were after his death. I re-watched this series recently and I thought it was really good overall. I really like "Beware of the Elbow." If you described this episode's plot to someone who had never seen it, they'd think you were nutty, I'm sure, but then that would apply to quite a few episodes, I guess. Something about the fat lady balloon is hilarious, especially when Compo first starts spotting it passing by then disappearing. And I will never forget the scene in which Edie drives the ladies down the railroad tracks.

"Brushes At Dawn" is another favorite, as is "The Glamour of the Uniform." I'm not terribly fond of "Leaving Home Forever or Till Teatime."
Its interesting that there is a bit of a divide on what the best and worst episodes of this series are. I really liked "Leaving Home," "Brushes at Dawn," and would argue that "A Leg Up" is the last really good "holiday" special the show had, even if it does borrow a bit from "Barry's Christmas" five years earlier (Wesley buys another hearse for Christmas, we get some similar sight gags.)

On the flip side "First Human Being to Ride a Hill," "Captain Clutterbuck," and "Beware the Elbow" don't really work that well for me.
AS I am commenting about these Series that are somewhat in the middle of the 37 year run, I don't recall all the details because it has been a while since I seen them. However, a few days off work has just allowed me to catch "A Suit that Turns Left" yesterday and "Beware of the Elbow" today. I felt quite fortunate because both are very good.

I have seen The Suit that Turns Left" a few times. I love the whole scene where Edie is training Wesley to walk properly with the suit. The other ladies think something is wrong with him. There are also a lot of repeated scenes in this episode, which I am OK with. For example, the scene where they are holding hands in the bar and the bar tender throws them out (similar to a bar scene in I think, Frozen Turkey Man). Then there is the ending with everyone holding hands in the woods. Wasn't there a late episode where it ends when Cooper and Walsh are doing some sort of stance out in the woods and their boss drives by?

In contrast where Wesley plays a big role in "the Suit", he wasn't in it at all in "Beware of the Elbow. I wander what made Bell and Clarke decide how much different extras play in different episodes.

I was also very fortunate to see this episode, because it is one of the few episodes that has always eluded me in my 7 years of viewing Summer Wine.