Series Ten


Staff member
Series ten is another great one for me, my favourites are Treure of the Deep and Downhill Racer.

I like all the xmas specials with Seymour except Big Day At Dream Acres, I'm not sure what was going with that one but I don't like it at all.

( I'm sorry for the confusion, I'm not feeling good at the moment and I'm getting confused. I'll stop posting these until I feel ok again)
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I think "AGood Bite Yorkshire Tastes Terrible" is Series 9 Pearl. As for Series 10 "The Treasure of the Deep" and "Dancing Feet" are probably my favourites.
I think "AGood Bite Yorkshire Tastes Terrible" is Series 9 Pearl. As for Series 10 "The Treasure of the Deep" and "Dancing Feet" are probably my favourites.

You're absolutely right, sorry for the confusion, I could blame meds, migraine or old age but I think I'll blame Dick :smile:
I agree with your thoughts on Dream Acres Pearl. It lost it's way early on and never got back on track. The fact it was such a long episode made it worse, the writing must surely be to blame for that. For me Treasure of the Deep is the standout episode in this series.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't That Certain Smile the one where they visit Clem Hemingway in the hospital? That, along with Treasure of the Deep, are my favorite episodes.

When the guys are going up to Clem's room, Seymour makes a great quote to Compo, but I don't know it word for word. I think it is something "You have a perfect Sweater for stuffing a dead dog." Anyway, I would have to see it again to get it right.

I am curious as to why there are fewer episodes in Series 10 than the other Seymour ones.
When the guys are going up to Clem's room, Seymour makes a great quote to Compo, but I don't know it word for word. I think it is something "You have a perfect Sweater for stuffing a dead dog." Anyway, I would have to see it again to get it right.

I believe the quote is "Because your clothes are suitable for stuffing sleeping dogs into."
That's a great line.
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I agree with those of you who don't like Dream Acres. There are a few scenes that are ok, But overall it is my least favorite special and I rarely watch it.

My favorite in this series is Downhill Racer. I would put Crums in this series and it too is excellent - I watch both of these frequently.
No one has mentioned The Day of the Welsh Ferret yet.

I like this one best myself, Roy Clarke writes good funeral stuff.
I agree that Dream Acres did loose it's way,if it had of been shorter it may of worked,which is a shame as Seymour makes a very strong third member,he and Edie interact very well