Series Twelve.


Staff member
Series twelve and we're back with Foggy I really like Return Of the Warrior, I like how they gave Seymour a proper send off and Foggy's search for his men.

I also like Come In Sunray Major especially the scene when Foggy asks Howard if he's " Still knocking round with....." And Pearl shouts out the window " Yes he is" Also really like Roll On, it makes me want to find a barrel and a hill. :D

I think the only letdown for me is The Charity Balls but I'm sure I'll soon find out how wrong I am on that! :pc:
Another excellent series.

Return of the Warrior was a perfect way to say goodbye to Seymour, and to welcome back Foggy - whilst mirroring The Man from Oswestry. Masterstroke.

As we were getting used to Seymour, it was very sad to see him go.

There did seem to be a few minor differences with Foggy when he came back.

Every episode in this series was a gem.

And don't worry about The Charity Balls - that was a good one too!
I agree "Return of the Warrior" was a good start. I do not think there was a bad episode in this series.
By now I had come to like Seymour and was sorry to see him leave, but Foggy's return made up for that. I loved the fact that Ivy showed her seldom seen kindness and gave him a tea on the house. For me Sunray Major was a highlight along with Captain Zero, but I dont think there were any weak episodes in this series.
This is one of the greatest Series for me (although for me Series 8-12 are all outstanding).

Return of the Warrior, Come In Sun Ray Major have been mentioned a lot here, but for me Captain Zero, Empire Foggy Nearly Built, and Maurice Chevalier Impression are all outstanding as well.

While Maurice Chevalier was the last great episode of the Series in my opinion, a great thing about the end of this series is that Smiler is brought in as a regular character.
I think this series starts strong but ends a bit weak. The later episodes are not as good, IMHO, and the series finishes with the return of Smiler as Nora's lodger. I like the return of Smiler, but I've always felt the arc of Smiler as Nora's lodger was poorly handled.
I've just finished watching this series for the first time and I really enjoyed it. I love the fact that Seymour actually got a proper farewell scene and didn't just disappear like so many other characters.
And I also liked how Clegg & Compo realized they didn't really have anything to do without Seymour or Foggy getting them into messes. Their newfound freedom (or boredom) didn't last long, though.

I prefer these later Foggy episodes to his earlier ones. I can't place my finger on it, but there is something different about him after his return.

My favorites this series are "Return of the Warrior," "That's Not Captain Zero," and "The Last Surviving Maurice Chevalier Impression." I love Compo's TV performance in that last one, especially how it starts on a close up of a not-very-flattering photo of Nora Batty. I was pretty excited when I saw that Captain Zero was played by Trevor Peacock, who I am used to seeing as Jim Trott from "The Vicar of Dibley". It was somewhat odd to hear him speaking normally and not adding "no no no no" at the start of every sentence.
Also saw Trevor Peacock and June Whitfield (Nelly) on Midsomer Murders. He played the piano and she sang. Very nice.