I've now watched this series through twice and feel like I have enough to make some judgements. On the whole I liked it. Sure, Clegg is still really a minor character and only shows up in a handful of scenes each episode, but of that era I think this series handles it as well as it could have been. Many of the episodes felt like a return to classic Summerwine, with the characters acting stupid in funny and enjoyable ways. The Crowcroft Challenge is probably my favorite of this series, but others that stand out include The Second Stag Night of Doggy Wilkinson, What Happened to the Horse, and Must Be Good Dancer. As I noted above, I really dislike Elegy for Small Creature and Clandestine Trackbike for the reasons I noted there. It did not improve on a second viewing. The final two episodes of the series are a bit of a let down, though, in part because of a feeling I've had in the later series the Bell didn't always hit a home run when casting guest characters. Both of these episodes suffer from that. For example, Wanda in "In Which Howard Remembers Where He Left his Bicycle Pump" comes across more sympathetic then I think the story intended.