Series Twenty Seven


Staff member
Have you ever had one of those day when you think " What did I start that for?" Well this mine!

I liked Stop That Bottle and Plenty Of Room In The Back but other than that I'm again not keen on this series.

I'm beginning to realise that despite my best efforts I really struggle to find episodes I like post Compo and Foggy. All this negativity about Summer Wine is beginning to get me down.

Maybe I'm just in my " Hate xmas " grinchy mood and its spreading :02: but I'll continue with this because I don't do abandoning what I started so bare with me folks :)
Another average series, Stop that Bottle and Barry's Midlife Crisis are ok. I dislike Cousin immensely.:20:

Tale of Two Sweaters and Who's that Talking to Lenny are slightly better than most of the others.
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Have you ever had one of those day when you think " What did I start that for?" Well this mine!

I liked Stop That Bottle and Plenty Of Room In The Back but other than that I'm again not keen on this series.

I'm beginning to realise that despite my best efforts I really struggle to find episodes I like post Compo and Foggy. All this negativity about Summer Wine is beginning to get me down.

Maybe I'm just in my " Hate xmas " grinchy mood and its spreading :02: but I'll continue with this because I don't do abandoning what I started so bare with me folks :)

I know what you mean.

For me the series got particularly unmemorable between around 2004 and 2007, give or take.

Interestingly enough, I'm starting to realise perhaps Russ Abbott's appearance a few years later did actually refresh the show, and to watch the precious short, short scenes with Clegg and Truly was vital too.

With this in mind, perhaps the show did end on quite a high, after all.

Back to Series 27, can't even name an episode without looking them up.
Have you ever had one of those day when you think " What did I start that for?" Well this mine!

I liked Stop That Bottle and Plenty Of Room In The Back but other than that I'm again not keen on this series.

I'm beginning to realise that despite my best efforts I really struggle to find episodes I like post Compo and Foggy. All this negativity about Summer Wine is beginning to get me down.

Maybe I'm just in my " Hate xmas " grinchy mood and its spreading :02: but I'll continue with this because I don't do abandoning what I started so bare with me folks :)

Well Pearl, there is a little undertone of sadness when we get to the later years because deep down, we know the end is near. However, I still passionately follow the Trully years all the way through Series 28. Then the "end is near" sadness starting kicking in for me.
I absolutely love Follow that Bottle. It is one of my favorites. It is the standard for episodes where the guys seriously band together to accompolish something so stupid. I still remember watching it with my wife and hearing her say "those guys are so stupid" as they keep failing to get the bottle. She said it in a loving way.

OK, here is where my memory gets a little Foggy. Who's That Merry Man with Billy; is that the one where his depressing relative is stuck with him all day and he doesn't laugh until Billy falls intot he river? If so, that is a good one.

I always liked Mitzi found her Mummy. During this era, Barry is always put into compromised situations, but this time it is good to see him take on Mitzi at the end.
I absolutely love Follow that Bottle. It is one of my favorites. It is the standard for episodes where the guys seriously band together to accompolish something so stupid. I still remember watching it with my wife and hearing her say "those guys are so stupid" as they keep failing to get the bottle. She said it in a loving way.

OK, here is where my memory gets a little Foggy. Who's That Merry Man with Billy; is that the one where his depressing relative is stuck with him all day and he doesn't laugh until Billy falls intot he river? If so, that is a good one.

I always liked Mitzi found her Mummy. During this era, Barry is always put into compromised situations, but this time it is good to see him take on Mitzi at the end.

No Cod thats Sadly Madly Bradley, series 23. Who's That Merry Man With Billy is the one where a woman wants to join Billys merry men and he's not happy :)
I absolutely love Follow that Bottle. It is one of my favorites. It is the standard for episodes where the guys seriously band together to accompolish something so stupid. I still remember watching it with my wife and hearing her say "those guys are so stupid" as they keep failing to get the bottle. She said it in a loving way.

OK, here is where my memory gets a little Foggy. Who's That Merry Man with Billy; is that the one where his depressing relative is stuck with him all day and he doesn't laugh until Billy falls intot he river? If so, that is a good one.

I always liked Mitzi found her Mummy. During this era, Barry is always put into compromised situations, but this time it is good to see him take on Mitzi at the end.

I happen to like Stop That Bottle because they spend most of that episode in and around a stream and I always like streams especially that stream. I also like that bridge that has the ferns growing out of it. So nice. Sometimes when the story line is not so great there is always the scenery.
Thankyou for starting,and sticking with these threads Pearl,they've been a really interesting read,
Although some are better than others,I love all the series,we're still amongst our friends,and the lovely scenery,I'm with Adanor and codfanglers,I love Follow that bottle as much for the scenery as anything else,for ages I'v had a walk planned for the spring for longer warmer days based purely around this episode,my "Follow that bottle walk" will be entirely streams,rivers and bridges,taken at the same locations.
Thankyou again,we appreciate the threads.
Pete x
No Cod thats Sadly Madly Bradley, series 23. Who's That Merry Man With Billy is the one where a woman wants to join Billys merry men and he's not happy :)

Ohhhhhh, yes. Thanks for clarifying. Merry Man with Billy is indeed good, though. (see I really do get all the Trully seasons mixed up)