Series Twenty Three


Staff member
This series wasn't the best, I can't think of one that stands out to me but I also can't say that I don't like any of them.

We're starting to see more of Barry and Glenda on their own and less of Clegg also Tom's sidelining is becoming more obvious.
I agree, Pearl. This is not a season of extremes. There are no episodes that I avoid watching but also there are no episodes that I seek out to watch extra as I do with some of my favorites. All in all a decent season but not outstanding.
I quite liked the Special which was just before the series proper - Potts in Pole Position.

Excercising Father's Bicycle was ok too.
Sorry Pearl I have to make the pitch for..........BRIEF EXCURSION IN THE FAST LANE! :37:

CHAISE LONGUE is a favourite as is EXERCISING FATHERS BICYCLE! :biggrin:

This will get me drummed out of the scouts but I had to say it!!
My sentiments are with Pearl, HappyJack, and Me2. Good episodes, but they really don't don't out. Exercising Father's Bicycle was good in that it showed Tom wanting to be like his father. Chaise Longue has some good moments.

I haven't seen these recently, and as they don't stand out, I don't have a whole lot to comment on. However, I will have a lot to share with Series 24. That just puts things into perspective a little.
I like Volvo headlamp best from this year. I also liked Exercising Father's Bicycle because of Tom's attempts to recreate some of Dad's past antics. Miserable Muscroft for me is the worst Christmas episode by far :(