Series Twenty Two


Staff member
Not a bed series, I liked The Missing Bus Of Mrs Avery and Hay Big Vender.

I think things had settled down a bit after Bill's passing and the characters were beginning to ease into their rolls again after the upheaval of the last series.

I got used to Mrs Avery and would have liked to have seen her in a few more, I think the ladies would have helped her settle in with the odd coffee morning.
I thought "Getting Barrys Goat and "The Arts of the Shorts Story" were good with " A Hair of the Blonde that Bit You" close behind. Sorry Pearl I dont think Mrs Avery would have ever fitted in to compliment the rest of the cast.
I'm also a fan of Mrs. Avery and by the end of this series it looked like they were setting her up to become a regular member of the ladies group. However, Nora Batty left the following season and my guess is that once Kathy Staff told them she was going to leave they felt like they'd lost a necessary reason to keep Mrs. Avery around as a character. Its also possible that there were budget considerations by that time as Bell in his book indicates the shows budget was declining by this period.

In many ways this series is transitional. I think they still were hoping to fit Tom in as a major character but also keeping Billy around as a back-up character. When they saw the results of this series they made the decision to make Billy part of the trio going forward, and put Tom into the supporting cast category.

Some of my favorite episodes include "Art of the Shorts Story," "Hey, Big Vendor," and "The Coming of the Beast," which one of the better Truly-era episodes.

I liked Mrs Avery from the start. I like Wiki's description of Julie Wallace: "Julie T. Wallace is the daughter of the actor Andrew Keir, and is the sister of the actors Sean Keir and Deirdre Keir. She stands 6 feet 2 inches tall, large framed, attractive" ....:30: Tom Owen is still showing great promise in this series and is a comforting link to an audience still mourning for Bill. I dont think there are real any stand out episodes here, maybe Big Vendor and A White Sweater for me.
For me this was a really strong season. How comes no one mentioned Enter the Hawk and Gnome and Away as good episodes yet? Wasn't Enter the Hawk Billy's intro?

For the longest time, the post-Compo era was my favorite of the entire show. I think such examples as having Missing Bus, Big Vendor, Enter the hawk, and Gnome and Away in a row contributed to my high praise of this era. Since then, I have gained more appreciation for the eaqrlier eras.

What about Howard and Billy's singing and dancing performance in Gnome and Away. Spectacular.