
Amos Hames 2

Dedicated Member
Now. I know he wasn't everyone's favourite but as I've said before I personally thought he bought a different direction as the Third man and some of the best episodes are with him. I wonder how his character would have gone if he hung round.
I also think he came along at the right time and galvanised the actors. It's well known that Brian Wilde was unpopular with many of the production team and actors & when Michael Aldridge came along he was very popular and a team player and settled things down.
Michael brought charm and affability in spades that was only only matched in my opinion when Truly consoled Clegg over Compo's passing. Whilst Foggy was endearing and his crazy schemes needed to keep the dynamic duo of Cleggy and Compo in line with Seymour he brought a great deal of warmth to their companionship on top.
In my humble opinion the measure of the man was that my favourite 3 Christmas specials were "Uncle Of The Bride","Crums" and "What's Santa Bought For Nora,Then ?" everyone has said,the bond of genuine camaraderie was evident...the dialogue between the 3 was absolutely superb.....not just because of Roy's genius,but because they seemed to be really enjoying the specific scenes,and each other's company.....I completely agree with The Captain....I would have loved to see Seymour's character evolve...he was a breath of fresh air,and I feel that series 9 to 12 contain some of the best episodes
I remember watching the Seymour episodes for the first time and thinking he wasn't as good as Foggy.
In my humble opinion the measure of the man was that my favourite 3 Christmas specials were "Uncle Of The Bride","Crums" and "What's Santa Bought For Nora,Then ?" everyone has said,the bond of genuine camaraderie was evident...the dialogue between the 3 was absolutely superb.....not just because of Roy's genius,but because they seemed to be really enjoying the specific scenes,and each other's company.....I completely agree with The Captain....I would have loved to see Seymour's character evolve...he was a breath of fresh air,and I feel that series 9 to 12 contain some of the best episodes
Crums is superb. My favourite episode full stop.

I vaguely recall when I was young watching the last few episodes with foggy before he left. The Seymour episodes are the ones I grew up on. This can influence opinion, I have high regard for those episodes and Seymour. Seymour had a softer tone towards Compo when Foggy was more abrupt and sneering.