Sid's Cafe and "N.R.BEALL"


Sid's Cafe and "N.R.BEALL"

Looking through old episodes I noticed that Sid's Cafe's door has a sign "N.R.BEALL" provided I got it right.

Not being a native english speaker I cannot realize the connection between "Sid" or "Sidney" to initial "N" or "R".

Is there a connection or should there be a connection?

The sign is visible enough to read in episode 2 "Short Back and Palais Glide" or "The Lost Key"

Re: Sid's Cafe and "N.R.BEALL"

From memory, I think in the early days of the series, the cafe building in real life had this sign.

It would have been visible in the 'outdoor' scenes, and so for the sake of continuity, would have been recreated for the 'studio' scenes.

Of course, we never get to know the surname of Sid and Ivy.

We could pretend Beall is their surname, and Sid is just a nickname - but I don't think this is the case at all.
Re: Sid's Cafe and "N.R.BEALL"

Yes, the cafe was actually a storage room for another business when they started filming the show. So that sign probably has something to do with that.
Re: Sid's Cafe and "N.R.BEALL"

I had read that the part above the cafe is a Hair Salon. Maybe the name has something to do with it.
Re: Sid's Cafe and "N.R.BEALL"

Originally it was a store for the hardware store (well when I write originally, I mean in 1972 - I seem to recall reading it was a chippy a very long time ago) next door.

It has been suggested that Beall could have been Ivy's maiden name, with her inheriting the business; some how that would fit with Sid's approach to life.
Re: Sid's Cafe and "N.R.BEALL"

I remember seeing that before and wondered at the time if it had to do with the address of the cafe building, such as the street name. It was just my guess though.
It has been suggested that Beall could have been Ivy's maiden name, with her inheriting the business; some how that would fit with Sid's approach to life.

In the First of the Summer Wine episode, "The Just Doesn't Suit", Dilys is scolding Ivy and begins by addressing her as Ivy Bolton. So that's the maiden name that Roy Clarke gave her 15 years after she was introduced in Last of ...
In the First of the Summer Wine episode, "The Just Doesn't Suit", Dilys is scolding Ivy and begins by addressing her as Ivy Bolton. So that's the maiden name that Roy Clarke gave her 15 years after she was introduced in Last of ...
Yes you are right. I think the N R Beall was the nameplate on the premises back in 1972 which thus appeared in exterior shots but otherwise entirely coincendental.
Thank you, unfortunately I don't think we have any family in Holmfirth, wish I did as it is such a beautiful area. The name was why the sign attracted my attention, although I am sure I have also seen it as N. R. Beall as mentioned in previous comments and just wondered if anyone had an idea where it may have come from.
I dont know where I got the idea but I think Ivy indicates in an episode that the buisness used to belong to Sid's father. So, maybe Beall can be Sid's last name but the N.R. could be his father's initials.