Sids Cafe saved from closure

I am truly lost for words.....somebody who actually works for the council must have been considering closing the centre of our universe !!!......surely the people in power must realise just how much revenue OUR SHOW brings to the local economy ?????.....
They should check the numerous CCTV cameras...they will see the delight in peoples faces when they arrive at their "West Yorkshire Mecca".......just look at this wonderful life affirming website of ours.....Summerwine family members from the all over the world...all sharing the same love joy and warmth and many planning their next [or first] trip to Holmfirth.
Imagine.........erasing 50 years of magic from the Town.....the streets,pubs,hills and dales our heroes walked WE walked in their footsteps and recreated each magical scene in our heads.
Those of us who are blessed enough to have visited have all sat in Sid's.....bought a cake and a coffee and glanced round that special place.....[I am getting goosebumps as I type !!!]....we have all thought about the wonderful scenes that have happened.....and all thought about our favourite scene.....imagine not being able to relive that experience......I think that old Yorkshire God Earnshaw must have had something to do with the decision to keep OUR CAFE OPEN !!!!.
Laura was on BBC Breakfast there seems to be a video of it circulating online think it's more about the general area. Doesn't make sense that Sids Cafe per se would be at risk or not as it's a private business. Whether it stays open or not is largely down to it's profitability and the owners willingness to continue with it. I always make a point of visiting when I go to support it for these very reasons...