

Dedicated Member
If you have followed the forum 'Cats Name', then you will have seen my reference to a pet snail. Some years ago, 2004, I was polishing the front door when I spotted what looked like a bit of dirt not much bigger than a pin head. On closer inspection, I could see that it wasn't dirt. Being a live and let live person I eased the thing off the door with a piece of paper, took into the house and put it on a piece of lettuce. We watched it and it eventually moved. It was a baby snail. We kept it in a jar with fresh lettuce. After a couple of days, it had grown a bit and could move quite fast for a snail of that size. We decided to call it Schuey after Michael Schumacher the racing driver. Yes, we are that daft. The photos were taken when he was two weeks old. We found another couple of young snails to keep him company. OK, we are dafter than daft. Schuey would slither up our fingers and try to eat us. We could feel him biting our finger tips. Eventually, all three snails had grown to a normal size so we released them into a part of the garden away from the plants but we put fresh lettuce down for them each night. Eventually, we left them to find their own way in life.


  • Schuey, week 2  04.JPG
    Schuey, week 2 04.JPG
    37.7 KB · Views: 2
  • Schuey, Button and Titch  04.JPG
    Schuey, Button and Titch 04.JPG
    33.1 KB · Views: 2