Snow Dogs


Dedicated Member
I had wondered what I was seeing in the Holmfirth webcam image. Thanks to Facebook, now I know. See What's on in Holmfirth, posted by Kate Fielding at about 8:28, BST.
Not sure what you are talking about, Marianna. Give us a clue?
If you don't have access to the Facebook page What's on in Holmfirth, take a look at the app mentioned here: "Our #SnowdogsKirklees art trail is now LIVE across the whole of Kirklees - and you can find the app in the app store NOW
Search 'Snowdogs Support Life' ", or visit this web site:

When the dog appeared in front of Beattie's, I thought at first that I was seeing a pantomime cow! It took a while to make out the shape of a highly decorated, oversize dog, since I was seeing it entirely from the rear.
OK, thank you. I don't have a facebook account so did not know what you were talking about. Only saw a white reflection blob when I checked on the on the (working?) webcam. Very neat and sounds like a good cause from a quick look at the site link - helping the Kirklees Hospital. How many Snow Dogs have you found so far?

I remember a town near where I moved (New Bern) did something like that with painted bears placed around the area some years back. Believe that was more for promoting the city. Bears being the city mascot and all.
I also choose not to have a Facebook account, my wife has told me there's a painted dog with some characters outside the Sid's, does anyone have photos they can share on here?
Hey Marianna ,

This seems to be an increasingly popular event countrywide we had them in 2016 in Newcastle and they were in support of a local Hospice charity . Some local celebrities were involved in the designs and then after exhibiting them across the city and the trail had ended they were all auctioned off for the charity . On the coast near me they did the same but with Aardmans [Wallace and Gromit, Chicken run] first famous character Morph.

Thanks for more pictures.

A silly thought struck me that after the Snow Dogs are over. Provided the price is decent, of us having a whip-round to buy the LotSW themed one outside the cafe and place it on Barry's new lot. :21:

Glad to see I am not the only one without a facebook account, Barry.
Good call Rick, but I'm still hoping for a bronze statue of Terry on the land as founder of this amazing site, I'm thinking something similar to the Christ The Redeemer statue in Brazil :p
One of my favourite episodes Rick , the red tension sheet [bubble wrap] , Koo Stark [Prince Andrew's one time girlfriend] and his snooty butler who treats Lister with such disdain disguised so well by the use of false sycophant like qualities . I love the portrayal of the Rockstar who orders a sausage and onion sandwich delivered from his favourite fish and chip emporium its the sort of thing rock stars do Om!! :)