Specials Prt 2


Staff member
The fifth is my favourite of all Getting Sam Home, I know its dark and is filmed differently but it can stand alone has a movie without having to know much about Summer Wine. I love Lily Bless Her and would have loved to see her in the series I'd like to have seen more of Sam too but then again they wouldn't have been able to bury him in the movie. The last scene when Syble stops the car and lets Lily Bless Her in has me in tears every time, it goes to show that even the hardest of woman can be thord.

The sixth is The Loxley Losange not a bad one but not the best for me although there are some stand out scenes and Foggy is at his most pompous in the pub trying to recalled what I Loxley Losange is.

The seventh is Uncle Of The Bride again I love this one, its a great introduction to Seymour and Edie. The interaction between Edie and Wesley shows great team work and we also get to meet Glanda ( Steady Dick) and Barry and of cause Wally meets his true love the whippet! I really like watching the scene when Wally and Whippet meet Nora in the lane and Nora relents and lets him keep it, it again shows the hardest of woman can give in now an then.

The eighth is Merry Christmas Father Christmas, Seymour at his bossiest with the thingame and Compo trying to impress Nora by climbing all over the roofs singing his heart out,no it wouldn't impress me either. Edie and Glenda wrapping presents for people they don't like reminds me of heping my own mam wrap her's, neither of us could wrap for toffee but we had a few hours talking whilst sitting on the bedroom floor, I really miss that.