Speeding over the years


Staff member
When I was a young driver,many many years ago I would get pulled up for exceeding the speed limit by a few miles over the limit,the policeman would give me a short lecture and warn me if he spotted me again it would be a fine via the courts, this would sure make me more aware of my speed.

Some years later if you did speed you would probably get caught by a camera and pay a fixed penalty and points on your licence and often the cameras would set be at least 10% over the limit,often much higher as they used film and in a busy location it could run out of film in no time at all. There has been the argument that for many years many cameras have just been revenue earners,near where I live now is a dual carriageway that used be to 70 mph, they then reduced it to 50 mph and lo and behold speed cameras were installed, yet there are many minor side roads off this dual carriageway,some not much wider than a car where you can do 60mph, these side roads often have sharp bends,farm traffic,people out for walks etc, so how can it be unsafe to travel more than 50mph on the dual carriageway, yet do 60 mph in these lanes, so maybe the revenue argument is valid in some cases.

Now it seems with the new digital speed cameras the limits are set very close to the speed limit and in Lincolnshire as I am sure many other places you will easily get a ticket at 33mpg in a 30 limit,as some of the locals have discovered,most of these folk have been given the chance to attend a driver awareness course at £85 instead of the fine and points,when they first started these courses they lasted all day and included lunch,they have now managed to reduce this course to 3 hours and cram in two sessions a day, I am told that these courses are booked solid for many weeks ahead and new course centres are springing up to cope,so this looks like a nice little earner,you may think this is still cheaper than the option to pay the fixed fine and points on your licence that will also increase your insurance premiums, or like 2 of our locals decide that this is a better option rather than be lectured to for 3 hours, think again

A couple of the locals decided they would just pay the fine thinking £80-90 plus the points, it appears that it is no longer the normal fixed penalty, the court send you a form,which you have to fill in and declare your income,savings, investments and any property with values you own, from this they then decide what to fine you, they discovered that 33mph can cost you £800.

Now we all must of seen these police reality shows,where they chase some young person driving recklessly who has no documents or licence, they will exceed the speed limit many times during this chase, to help with the chase the police will use a helicopter,which must cost a fortune, if they do manage to catch the offender the penalty can range from a slap on the wrist, a ban for a few months,a few hours community service,a suspended jail term,I just wonder how this adds up to a fair society
My kids are very safe drivers I would go anywhere with any one of them. They scare me at times, particularly young Dick, He knows the width of his car to the millimetre and will go through gaps others daren't!! :o
i had a transit van in my previous job and squeezing it through gaps was just part of the fun, well for us van drivers it is!!!

A couple of the locals decided they would just pay the fine thinking £80-90 plus the points, it appears that it is no longer the normal fixed penalty, the court send you a form,which you have to fill in and declare your income,savings, investments and any property with values you own, from this they then decide what to fine you, they discovered that 33mph can cost you £800.


One of the snags is that if you decide to go at 29 mph too play safe - you upset other motorists who either have deep pockets or are just lucky. Some roads around here can have as many as twelve cameras in a four mile stretch.

A couple of the locals decided they would just pay the fine thinking £80-90 plus the points, it appears that it is no longer the normal fixed penalty, the court send you a form,which you have to fill in and declare your income,savings, investments and any property with values you own, from this they then decide what to fine you, they discovered that 33mph can cost you £800.


One of the snags is that if you decide to go at 29 mph too play safe - you upset other motorists who either have deep pockets or are just lucky. Some roads around here can have as many as twelve cameras in a four mile stretch.
??? Put me right someone "can you be pulled over for going too slow?" I had a female boss once and the story went that she was flagged down and warned because she insisted on driving under 30 mph. ::)
I had the worst moment with a speeding camera in the neighboring, money-hungry county. Here 12 miles an hour over the speed limit is the minimum needed to get a speed ticket in the mail. I remember this past Christmas driving somewhat fast to take my mother-in-law home from church. Then, just a month later, there it was... a speeding ticket for Christmas day, for only going over the limit the minimum amount!!!!!! Seems kind of harsh to me. I mailed the payment with a belated Christmas card!
I had the worst moment with a speeding camera in the neighboring, money-hungry county. Here 12 miles an hour over the speed limit is the minimum needed to get a speed ticket in the mail. I remember this past Christmas driving somewhat fast to take my mother-in-law home from church. Then, just a month later, there it was... a speeding ticket for Christmas day, for only going over the limit the minimum amount!!!!!! Seems kind of harsh to me. I mailed the payment with a belated Christmas card!

Nice touch,good for you.

A couple of the locals decided they would just pay the fine thinking £80-90 plus the points, it appears that it is no longer the normal fixed penalty, the court send you a form,which you have to fill in and declare your income,savings, investments and any property with values you own, from this they then decide what to fine you, they discovered that 33mph can cost you £800.


One of the snags is that if you decide to go at 29 mph too play safe - you upset other motorists who either have deep pockets or are just lucky. Some roads around here can have as many as twelve cameras in a four mile stretch.
??? Put me right someone "can you be pulled over for going too slow?" I had a female boss once and the story went that she was flagged down and warned because she insisted on driving under 30 mph. ::)

I did know someone who also got stopped for driving to slow,they were in a 40 limit and were doing 30,the police warned them it was holding the traffic up,I know when I did my ADT some years back they teach you to drive as close to the limit what ever it is