Stanley's Song


Does anybody recognise the song that a very happy Stanley "Ace" Pocklington is singing in "The Space Ace"? It's rather catchy and sounds to me as if it comes from a musical. The lyrics from the subtitles are: "Off we go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun. Here they come zooming to meet our thunder, at em boys, giver 'er the gun, give 'er the gun!".

Thanks in advance :)
It's the official song of the US Air Force. It was originally written and submitted to the US Army Air Corps, the precursor to the Air Force when it was just a branch of the US Army, in 1938.

I'm not entirely why it was used in that episode, other then that it was somewhat popularized in the 1980s when I think it appeared in one of the history of the space program movies from the era.
Thanks Sarkus, great info there. Found it on Youtube (The Wild Blue Yonder), Americans sure have a handle on writing a stirring Anthem!;D
Certain people are of the opinion that our National Anthem is probably one of the least stirring anthems of any Country . I recall Billy Connolly being castigated in some quarters when in one of his routines he described it as boring and how it should be replaced by the theme from the Archers because there are no words and it was easy to learn and remember .
Billy Connelly is a very funny man and sometimes dose overstep the mark as do many so called young comedians who should not get air time real crafstmen like Roy are now in decline unfortunately .With regard to militarily tunes I think the Royal Marines march is brilliant as is the Royal Air Force march but the song sung in the show was just right for the action ,the Irish Rangers have a great march called the Old Grey Mare and when you see them perform it you feel great.