State of of the few remaining telephone boxes


LOTSW Fanatic
I was recently up in Nidderdale where there was still a red public telephone box - but the exterior looked very tatty. I coud see at least the last four layers of paint all peeling at different stages with a very uncared for look.

Not sure what metal was used but they need a thorough rub down with wet'n'dry and a coat or two of primer followed by undercoat followed by at least two top coats. ;) ;) Actually one of the peeling layers looks as if it is undercoat.

It looks as if the last two or three repaints have merely painted over the top with very little preparation. The few other ones I see are all similarly visually very poor.

Any one else noticed this drop in standards! >:( :o ???

The Royal Mail pillar boxes are about as good - or bad!
Here in the United States, the state of telephone boxes (or telephone booths as we call them) is also in disarray. Many have disappeared altogether, as cell phones have rendered them redundant. In all honesty, I can't remember the last time I saw one. They've for the most part gone the way of the dinosaurs.
No one takes the care needed in these type of objects. It is the same with railings and lamp posts. They don't scrape and sand down things properly before they start painting. There's no pride. There's a lot of satisfaction to be gained in a job well done.