Stop that Castle

In the episode where Marina dressed in a very conservative fashion and Glenda is really gussied up; they walk by a street sign which escapes me at the moment, but I was impressed that there was great irony in the name of the street.
In the episode where Marina dressed in a very conservative fashion and Glenda is really gussied up; they walk by a street sign which escapes me at the moment, but I was impressed that there was great irony in the name of the street.
The episode is "The General's Greatest Battle." But it's not when they are together. It's when Marina has dressed "plain" and sees Howard as he is crossing the street. The street sign says "Wharmby Street."
The episode is "The General's Greatest Battle." But it's not when they are together. It's when Marina has dressed "plain" and sees Howard as he is crossing the street. The street sign says "Wharmby Street."

I think it was twice that sign was seen in 2 different places, it was the show's nod to Wesley passing