Summer Wine Books.


Dedicated Member
2018-02-14 21.58.21.jpg 20180214_214835.jpg After an earlier post about LOTSW books, here's my little collection. Anyone got any others to recommend? I think I have a copy of The Moonbather somewhere but didn't really enjoy it. I like the episodes on CD though. I've given those a spin on a car journey.
The three summer wine novels - what became Getting Sam Home, Gala Week and the Moonbather are all really great reads - a long time ago I obtained both Gala Week and The Moonbather on Chivers audio cassettes read by Peter Sallis himself - his voices are absolutely brilliant. For the Moonbather, I recall my late, great father going on a bidding war with an another Ebayer who alleged himself to be THE Roy Clarke. I'll probably never know...