Summerwine in Lockdown

Amos Hames 2

Dedicated Member
How do you think the Characters would have faired during the Lockdowns of the Country during the Pandemic. Can you imagine how frustrating Howard would have been stuck in pearls company all that time or having to be two metres away from Marina
There would have definitely been flashing blue lights at number 28 after a reported homicide !!!.......if Smiler was still a lodger at Nora's she would not have had the opportunity to throw him out so he could "get some fresh air" or "enjoy himself" or get a barrow of tatties and them little nutty sprouts !!.....stuck inside.....looking at each after day......month after month.....year after year.....the temptation would have been just too much for her.....but the question would she have carried out the dirty deed ???????.
They all would have complied with the lockdown for a few days, then figured out that it was a bunch of baloney and gone on about their lives with some modifications. Howard, becoming aware that many people started go on walks in the woods, arranged to meet Marina in their favorite birdwatching spot and managed to surprise Cleggy as he was enjoying the view from his favorite park bench.