Sunny Days and News Reports.

On our regional news, Tony Wilson and Bob Greaves.
As for weather presenters .. Jo Blythe.
I’m getting a grumpy old sod nowadays and can’t abide the current trend for weather presenters building up their slot by telling us what’s going to be happening in their upcoming broadcast 15 minutes before it actually happens and then faffing about doing random stuff before actually telling us the weather.
The worst of these presenters imho is Alex Beresford who could outdo Alan Partridge with some of his reports.
The other week he was at the top of a tower wearing a hard had and safety harness!!!! When he comes on I turn it over :)…. and breathe.
On our regional news, Tony Wilson and Bob Greaves.
As for weather presenters .. Jo Blythe.
I’m getting a grumpy old sod nowadays and can’t abide the current trend for weather presenters building up their slot by telling us what’s going to be happening in their upcoming broadcast 15 minutes before it actually happens and then faffing about doing random stuff before actually telling us the weather.
The worst of these presenters imho is Alex Beresford who could outdo Alan Partridge with some of his reports.
The other week he was at the top of a tower wearing a hard had and safety harness!!!! When he comes on I turn it over :)…. and breathe.
When I grew up in Cheshire I used to like Stewart Hall on Look North West, I also thought he was a proper wordsmith when he was summarising football games.

That said he's now remembered for all the wrong reasons and perhaps best consigned to history.....
Ian Macaskill
Francis Wilson
Bill Giles.
Micheal ( there is no Hurricane coming ) Fish
John Kettley
Trish Williamson

News Readers...
Kenneth Kendall
Sandy Gall
Leonard Parkin
Frank Bough
John Suchet
Alistair Burnett