
LOTSW Fanatic
Just watched a clip of LOU REED doing" A Perfect Day " from an old Jules Holland show. Alongside LOU was an exponent of TAI CHI. He was obviously an expert and very supple. However good he was ,I could not help smiling and imagining Norah in the café ! :D:22::rolling:
Took me a moment to connect the dots. At first I thought you were going to say you started taking a Tai Chi class :13:! Alvin Smedley would be proud you, at least if that is the correct episode I am thinking of. :42:
Correct Rick . ""Thrusting himself about ! Might be alright for your Chinese but I cant see it being any good for your Englishman !"":eyesroll::20:
Tai Chi is just shadow boxing in slow motion. Best done up on top of a hill or a moor on a windy day as demonstrated in "Calendar Girls."