That Would Hurt


Staff member
There are many scenes over the years, where one or more of the cast did something that normally would cause injury and would really hurt, which ones can you recall, just one example per post please, I will start with the Foggy trio at the end of "The Mysterious feet of Nora Batty" all falling off the steps and into the river, ouch
Pearl, in A Leg Up For Christmas. The trio brings Howard home with a cast on his leg, having gotten him a ride in the hearse that Wesley had given himself as a Christmas gift. When Compo tells her he's outside in the hearse she faints, falling backward with her body straight, and clips the back of her right shoulder on the corner of the sofa. That must have been a big ouch, completely unscripted.
Pearl, in A Leg Up For Christmas. The trio brings Howard home with a cast on his leg, having gotten him a ride in the hearse that Wesley had given himself as a Christmas gift. When Compo tells her he's outside in the hearse she faints, falling backward with her body straight, and clips the back of her right shoulder on the corner of the sofa. That must have been a big ouch, completely unscripted.
I've always thought that, it looked painful.
It cant have been comfortable for Compo with his weight being held by the rope wrapped round his middle dressed as Father Christmas.:eek2:
There are many scenes over the years, where one or more of the cast did something that normally would cause injury and would really hurt, which ones can you recall,
You may have missed the point Peri "normally cause injury and would really hurt ":fp:
Also in the Bicycle Bonanza, when Smiler is delivering leaflets and Eli runs over him on his bicycle. I always think Smiler would have injuries that would put him in hospital.