The careers of Wally, Wesley and Howard


Dedicated Member
I don't think it was ever revealed what these characters did for a living.

It would seem very reasonable Wesley was a mechanic, yet it's just possible he had a different type of career.

In a later episode from the 1989 series, it is revealed that Howard has good hands for a former employee of the power industry.

Wally I don't know.

Anyone have an ideas?
That's an excellent point.
In FOTSW he was a British Rail porter but I can't imagine him doing that all his working life.
Well remembered George.

I must confess I don't watch much FOTSW, I think I only have half of the first series on some VHS home recordings. Way of the Warrior (which is excellent) is the one I remember the most.

I think I'll treat myself and get the DVD.
I think you'll find you'll get hooked,I did.I think it would have stood on its own as a comedy even without the Summer Wine connection
I watched all 13 when they were first shown, and caught various episodes on cable, but I just haven't made the effort to buy the dvd.

I noticed some scenes are filmed in Holmfirth, and have to wonder if it would have been better in the hands of Alan JW Bell.

Back to the topic, I can imagine Wally as a railway porter up to retirement.
Didn't Wally fight in the war? i remember the episode when he and Eli are taking outside the pub and one of the trio mentions that they were pals in the war?

Episode may have been "when you take a bite, yorkshire tastes terrible" or something like that.
Didn't Wally fight in the war? i remember the episode when he and Eli are taking outside the pub and one of the trio mentions that they were pals in the war?

Episode may have been "when you take a bite, yorkshire tastes terrible" or something like that.

Wally could have been enlisted, then returned to the railways when demobbed - as happened to a lot of people ...

I often think Wesley could have been semthing ancillary to the motor trade such as a delivery man, or stores person: we knwo Edie bought him the garage to keep him out of mischief. ...
In one episode Wally tells compo he's leaving Nora and going back to his Mams, which begs the question how old would she have been?
I think that in the Last of the summer wine they were both retired same as Cleggy and the rest.........
Although Gladwin was a fair bit older than most of the cast, his character would only have been about 55 then, so his mother could have been as young as 75, or thereabouts.

Which leads to another question; was Gladwin the oldest actor in the show? He'd be something like 107 now had he lived.
Although Gladwin was a fair bit older than most of the cast, his character would only have been about 55 then, so his mother could have been as young as 75, or thereabouts.

Which leads to another question; was Gladwin the oldest actor in the show? He'd be something like 107 now had he lived.
Close he would hae just turned 106.Yes,he must have been the oldest,followed by Danny O'Dea(appropiately as Eli and Wally were meant to be friends)then Thora Hird and Bill Owen