The Cast's favourite Episodes # 15

Going to go with Compo's death and funeral episodes because Alan Bell would need to deal with the loss of Bill Owen ,have to deal with all of the cast who would emotionally be so drained and to show Bill the reverence and adoration he so richly deserved.

Elegy for Fallen Wellies
Surprise at Throstlenest
Just a Small Funeral
Going to go with Compo's death and funeral episodes because Alan Bell would need to deal with the loss of Bill Owen ,have to deal with all of the cast who would emotionally be so drained and to show Bill the reverence and adoration he so richly deserved.

Elegy for Fallen Wellies
Surprise at Throstlenest
Just a Small Funeral
0 sorry to say these are much later episodes and I believe the list I am using was done much earlier
Getting Sam home...…………...….Come in Sunray Major...…...…..Forked Lightening ??