The Changing Face of Rural Blamire


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I've just been watching The Changing Face of Rural Blamire and was wondering if the lady who comes out of her house after Compo uses Shineyglow on her specs, was the same lady Foggy tried to help cross the road in Woollen Mills of your Mind
I don't think so I would have thought she would have looked much older in Woolen Mills. how many years are there in-between the episodes ?
It could be. Here is Sylvia Stoker (the actress in the Woolen Mills episode) in a 1981 episode of Juliet Bravo compared to the character in the Changing Face of Rural Blamire.

It could be. Here is Sylvia Stoker (the actress in the Woolen Mills episode) in a 1981 episode of Juliet Bravo compared to the character in the Changing Face of Rural Blamire.


Now seeing that pic I am even more sure. it must be.