The Most Dangerous #5

Wesley towing him whilst he is sat on the handcart , the rope gives way and he rolls down the hill past Eli who either utters the immortal "He'll not sell much Ice Cream going at that speed" or something about missing a bus . I can't even remember the episode I really think I should have given some thought before going into print so apologies in advance.:confused:
We can only blame Aunty's home made gooseberry wine....because it completely transformed Smiler !!.......
Not only did he have a message for "Bora Natty"......he starts crooning [BADLY] to Truly..." when your smiling....when your smiling"....and robs a bike and shoots off like Bradley Wiggins !!! wonder Aunty decided it was far too potent to give away !!
I am not so good with these threads because I can't pinpoint the specific scenes with the specific episodes, but I would just vote on my favorite Smiler moment- he was going backgrounds on some kind of cart and slowly passes the cops while giving them his pathetic facial expression.