The Most Dangerous #8

And of course, paddling that canoe down that river and being dumped into the drink after the cameras were turned off. Michael Bates had rallied the troops and gotten the others into the canoe, but no one knew that the current was running fast. But fortunately, Peter, Bill and Michael were able to make it to the shore.

And then there were other times during the early seasons where he had to either do the stunt or do the before and after; all of which may have involved some danger.
I blame Ernie Moredew's funeral tea !!!..... a liking for the homebrew and Mrs Jack Attersley's homemade scones !!!!...a lethal combination....
A life of subservience,shopping,D.I.Y.,and all manner of domestic would have been the end of Cleggy as we know him !!!!.......