The severe weather.


LOTSW Fanatic
Any body get any problems with the weather overnight?? Floods or anything??I know it was rough outside where I am but fortunately there were no floods or damage. I got up in the small hours (old age and poverty as they say locally) I looked out of the window and it was tipping down, I saw a flash of lightning but couldn't hear the thunder and finished up back in bed fast asleep.:22:
Hardly anything in South Norfolk Dick. So much for weather forcasters. I know if I had got things wrong as often as they do I would not have had my job for long when I was working.:unhappy:
It rained a lot over night and now we have that horrible drizzle but nothing near to what was predicted, I use the word predicted lousy its more of a " Lets pluck something out the air" kinda thing.
After all that was predicted I am pleased to hear our members are all okay, it was predicted that in Lincolnshire we were to get severe storms,heavy rain for hours, yet most of the day we have had light drizzle and it has been cooler,so all is well here,I do wonder about the forecast these days,they seem to be so far off,so often yet are spending millions of tax payers money on so called super computers to get the forecasts more accurate,so what actually is going so wrong