The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

captain clutterbuck

LOTSW Fanatic
I went to see the Ukes as they are affectionately known for the first time last night , they have been going since 1985 , what a great show . I don't know if anyone on the forum has seen them but boy have they taken the ukulele on several levels since George Formby sang When I'm Cleaning Windows .

The musicianship is second to none , especially Bowie's Life on Mars which is a take on plagiarism with the band members ending up singing different songs to the same accompaniment how they remember their parts I simply don't know . The show is a mixture of songs and comedy really loved their skit of Kraftwerk's the model. If anyone is looking for a great night out try and catch them there is plenty of material on You Tube if you want to see what I am babbling on about :)
I understand that George Formby played a banjolele (top image) rather than a ukelele (lower image)despite often referring to his little banjo in his hand ....


Not to be confused with a banjo

My other half is learning to play the ukerlele and is enjoying herself also she is improving every week she plays with a group from our U3A and localy there is a group who are fantastic and they don't play much Formby!