the unique "feelgood" factor of our special show !!!


Dedicated Member
Having just finished my "daily fix",i am sitting here,with a lovely warm glow,trying to fathom out what "special ingredient" mr.roy clarke sprinkled on his show to make me feel like no other viewing medium can do ???.
This may sound a little silly [actually it does to me,and i'm writing it !!!!],but i feel that our wonderful show is like [get ready for this !!!].........visual prozac !!!!! [i told you it was silly !!!].
The strange thing is,i know you will all agree !!!!
Each episode takes you away from the daily toils and troubles of 21st century living,and transports you to a magical place,where all is well,and all is safe !!!.
There really is no place like it !!!!!
Best wishes to each and everyone,on our wonderful site !!!!.
P.s. A million thanks for all the kind comments on my posts !!!!,it is very much appreciated !!!
The reason behind our show being so loved is the people ,the humour,scenery and the close knit families involved and friendships formed when at school still in being when in advanced years.The lads all still remained friends even though Foggy went away to be a warrior plus people like Wesley who obviously was in the background and many others who are still remembered.But its the way that its all put together on screen that makes it special with many scenes shot in glorious Yorkshire countryside and doing things that we all would want to do.The cast was a brilliant part of the show the actors jelled with other on screen if not off ! The very first episodes showed the lads as being quite scruffy clothes as well as hair Compo looked positivly insanitary and definitely not to be touched ! As for the ladies they were absolutely terrifying the Herman Goering Division on manouveres and boy you knew your place.I am sure that Roy based them on ladies he knew or had met I mean can you imagine being with Nora all day ! I always enjoyed seeing Howard being so devious and the gorgeous Marina who I am sure we have all known in real life plus the pubs they were real pubs for drinking good quality beer and only crisps to eat.Some of the early pubs were really basic boozers and nowadays would be closed down for being unsanitary.But the continuity over the years was the real clicher for the show you could see something that was from the very start in most shows and that made it great for me as did the cast long may it go on for ever.
I would have loved to have the opportunity to visit those old pubs, not like they would be nowadays.

And to touch on what Chris said, Summer Wine's success is a combination of great storylines and characters, outstanding casts, and of course the setting.

For me, there was always something special about the idea of older people running around care-free or even reeking havoc. I always loved this ideas even before I discovered Summer Wine.

And I have previous described Summer Wine as "comfort food for the soul".
Hello Cod,

I agree totally, the BBC produced a few shows with "older people" behaving irreverently Waiting for God and of course One Foot in the Grave are great examples. I have seen one episode of Vicious on ITV and that seems to be again older people basically reeking havoc.