The unique genius of mr.roy clarke.


Dedicated Member
a massive"hello" to all my wonderful fellow members !!!!,I hope you are all well !!!
4th January,1973-29th august,2010.
those dates hold a special place in each and everyone's heart,yes,it is the start and finish of a very special,and unique journey that I am so proud to say iv'e been on !!!
I was thinking last night [I know !!!!,I need to get out more !!!],just how has the icon known as roy Clarke keep us all enthralled,for all these years ???
the actual longevity,and quality of each and every series is mindblowing !!!
his use of storylines,whilst keeping to the "summer wine" ethos of close friendships,honour,stability,and the wonderful human trait of an ability to laugh at ourselves ,takes roy to a different plane of storytelling !!!
the warmth,and gentleness of each and every episode makes the viewer "feel" part of the show,and puts us all in a wonderful frame of mind,and,in my case,at ease with the world !!!
if I had a pound for every time i'd thought "if only everything was like it is in summerwine" I would be a rich man !!!
anyway,enough of my ramblings!.....I just felt,that after a lifetime of viewing pleasure I should make my feelings public,so once again.....I salute you,mr Clarke !!!
best wishes to each and everyone on our wonderful site !!!
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Keith mentions the uniquue journey that Roy Clarke has provided us. While we all have our favorite eras, one of the beautiful things about this journey is it takes us through the introduction and departure of so many interesting characters. These are things I wrote about before. While it was sad to see Blamire go, it was great to see Foggy, and as on with Seymour and Truly. It is always good to see the likes of Glenda, Barry, Wesley, Pearl, Howard, and Marina.

And of course, we mourned Compo's passing. It was very sad but incredibly impressive how Clarke crafted the "Passing Triology". After this point, I look forward to seeing Billy, Entwhistle, and others. So Keith, viewing Summer Wine from series one through the end is definitely a "journey".
I was 13 when this programme started,and 50 when it ended.
It was much more than just another programme,it was part of our lives,and the characters our friends,
warmth and gentleness sums it up perfectly.
I was 13 when this programme started,and 50 when it ended.
It was much more than just another programme,it was part of our lives,and the characters our friends,
warmth and gentleness sums it up perfectly.

Wow. That really is most of your life. Although it started two years before I was born I didn't discover it until I was 31.
Not sure, but if it started in 1972 I was 29 when it started.

If it stopped in 2010, I was about 67 when it ended ????

Sorry, no longer sure. Born 1943.
Not sure, but if it started in 1972 I was 29 when it started.

If it stopped in 2010, I was about 67 when it ended ????

Sorry, no longer sure. Born 1943.

Filming started in 1972. First broadcast was Jan. 4, 1973.
Last broadcast was August 29, 2010.

I was the same age as you, Chuck, but born the end of 1942.
I didn't start watching though until my early 60's.
The unique genius of mr.roy clarke

Added to all the plaudits he deserves for LOTSW to then write the comic genius that is Open All Hours just underlines how talented he really is.