The Wit and Wisdom of Norman Clegg

Absolutely priceless - real gems.

One thing I do note is that all of these were from earlier episodes when Norman could display some particularly barmpot tendencies.

One thing I do note is that all of these were from earlier episodes when Norman could display some particularly barmpot tendencies.

Oh Yes, the early Norman Clegg was a whole different bloke.
Sharp satiric humour, biting wit, and a certain clarity
of perception. The early Clegg is my favorite character.
As he aged he mellowed, and his character was written as
timid, shy, and retiring.

That´s true, but he is not dissimilar to his actor ;), at least now. I don´t know about 30 years ago, but I can imagine he has always been a lot like him through the decades.
But even then, every so often we got that flash of idiocy from Norman which surprised you.

It seems that ever since Marina arrived his chararcter was less forceful - possibly due to living next door to Howard (or next door but one at first before they moved). But occasionally he still got forceful with Howard - "this is the Tiger Norman Clegg" was the line in one later episode