Thirty Years of LOTSW


Dedicated Member
Just dug out and re-watched the 30 Years of
Last of the Summer Wine. Covers everything from
Blamire to Tom Owen.

Forgot how great this was. A really good overview of
the whose series, with lots of Roy Clarke narration.

(Also have a subset entitled 25 years of lotsw)
I watch if frequently. Not only do you get an overview of some of the greatest scenes, you get all of those great interviews - my personal favorites being Peter Sallis, Roy Clarke and Ronnie Hazelhurst.
It's good but I do have a few quibbles with it. First, its mostly the 25 Years show with some new stuff edited in. Second, they focus a lot on a few series in terms of highlights. I guess the "classic moments" were relatively concentrated in the minds of a lot of people (or at least those how made this show thought so.)

Hopefully someday we'll get a really long documentary on the show's history, something at least an hour long.