Thoughts on the pilot episode


Dedicated Member
Today have finally got round to transfering my 20 year old VHS copy of the pilot episode onto DVD.

Thought it was high time I did this, as videotape can deteriorate, and you never know just how long we have to wait for it to make it to official DVD release.

Now when this was first shown, it was called THE LAST OF THE SUMMER WINE. Years ago I mentioned the difference between the typeface of the credits during the opening and closing set of titles.

I established that when the pilot was first repeated, when Series One came out, the opening credits were redone to label it simply LAST OF THE SUMMER WINE.

But it's also worth noting in the original script, the song 'Yesterday' (being sung by Vera Lynn, I should stress) was supposed to be heard from the transistor radio carried by a young girl walking down a pre-war council estate - who gets 'the fish eye' from three housewives in aprons and slippers. The 'eldest (and hugest) one is Mrs Batty'.

Of course, we do see two girls walking down an alley carrying a radio, but the familar LOTSW theme is played over this.

I wonder if we will ever see the original version of the pilot - which should consist of the 'Comedy Playhouse' pre-fix, and the extra 'The' in the title?