Trivia Question #4


Staff member
Granville often complains about getting up in the middle of the night to open the shop, we know the shop closes at 9pm, but what time do they open, I did spot a clue in one episode, so what time does it appear they open and what episode gives the clue
Arkwright and Granville have just opened the shop and they take a ladder across the road to knock on Gladys's window. Nurse Gladys wakes up and looks at one of her two alarm clocks. The time is quarter past five. It's the wedding episode where Arkwright loses his trousers.
I'm usually up by 4am ish so that wouldn't be a problem for me but working till 9 pm which is usually my bedtime would make me very grumpy.
I think they opened early for the morning rush , in one episode they show it all the men coming in for their cigarettes and then lighting up in the shop . As for the ladder escapade Roy Clarke used it a few times including in SOAH .