Twitter page.

Apologies in advance for temporarily hijacking this thread but I didn't want to start another post off plus "twitter" is poignant to my question . I am calling all bird watcher's of the ornithologist variety .

I have a border in my garden which is basically fallow soil and everyday , without fail, a small flock of sparrows sit on the soil and sort of bury down in the soil , wings flapping , and then just take off . I wondered if they were simply disturbing the ground to make any little bugs/worms come to the surface so they can feed but clearly it could be for other purposes .

It's always sparrows, seem like fledglings rather than fully grown mature birds . No other types of birds seem to do it just wondered if anyone could explain their behaviour , thank you in advance for any help.
I kept chickens in the dim and distant and they used to do the same. It's a form of bathing for them, people often call it a dust bath! It helps rid them of any mites they may have among their feathers. .They prefer soil that's quite dry and creates a fine dust .You may be able to see them shake themselves afterwards . They enjoy it or seem to.:biggrin::22:
Going back to twittering. Is tweeting limited to doing it on a smart phone? Oh this is all getting to be too much. Oh for the days when tweeting was what birds did in the morning. But alas, one must roll with the times and get on with gamely learning this new stuff. And yes, I have seen birds enjoy a good dust bath.
Going back to twittering. Is tweeting limited to doing it on a smart phone? Oh this is all getting to be too much. Oh for the days when tweeting was what birds did in the morning. But alas, one must roll with the times and get on with gamely learning this new stuff. And yes, I have seen birds enjoy a good dust bath.

If you want to use Twitter on your mobile you would need a smart phone. You can also tweet using your pc, mac or tablet.