

Dedicated Member
Hello Brit Brethren and Fellow Yanks,

It has been a while but I thought I would neglect my weekend work and send a couple of posts.

I mentioned earlier I might not be around so much this time because, as a family, we have so much going on. Between my job demands, assisting my wife with her senior year in college, and my sons' activities and homework, we are also beginning a slow moving process. I previously mentioned that the local gov. is taking over our property due to the installing of a new train line. The good news is, due to the fact that my whole family works around the Late-August to Mid-June school year, the county will let us stay here until the summer, so we won't be interrupted during this time.

I have not been able to watch Summer Wine lately, with the exception of the Incredible ordeal of Norman Clegg, which I saw on a rare day off. As a result, I am rusty with my Summer Wine knowledge, so bare with me if I post something but fail to have the recollection of the chronological order of episodes, etc.

Yesterday morning, I was buckling up my 4 year old in the car and across the street, an elderly man was walking by with a derby and a cane. My four year old asks, "Is that the guy from Summer Wine?" (referring to Foggy with a cane). That is pretty good for a Yank 4yr old during the post-Summer Wine era.

Although a few years back, (I think my older one was 3 1/2 years and we were taking my wife to a prenatal appointment, we saw a tall thin man with a hat and coat like Foggy's with a cane. He asked "If that Foggy?". His knowledge was pretty good because that was a time that I was watching more Summer Wine.

I will likely catch Summer Wine during my winter and spring breaks coming up. Summer is my time now to really watch it but this coming summer we will have the move and possibly the first family vacation in three years.
It's great that you're bringing up a new generation of Summer Wine fans!

Well, I don't know if they are going to become Summer Wine fans but my four year old is certainly able to distinguish the British shows on PBS from other shows. He even refers to them as "British Shows" or "Daddy's Shows".

However, he is now really intrigued by political ads. Though we are in Maryland, we get political ads from Virginia where one candidate is slamming another for being absent all the time. My 4 yr old is now constantly asking me why that guy doesn't work? and asks me if that is a bad guy!
However, he is now really intrigued by political ads. Though we are in Maryland, we get political ads from Virginia where one candidate is slamming another for being absent all the time. My 4 yr old is now constantly asking me why that guy doesn't work? and asks me if that is a bad guy!

Good for him! Has he questioned yet whether or not the candidate doing the slamming is speaking the whole truth, or only the bits that fit his narrative, omitting context that might reverse the meaning? When he does that, you'll know that you're bringing up a critical thinker. The world needs many more of them!
However, he is now really intrigued by political ads. Though we are in Maryland, we get political ads from Virginia where one candidate is slamming another for being absent all the time. My 4 yr old is now constantly asking me why that guy doesn't work? and asks me if that is a bad guy!

I have never been that impressed with most politicians, especially as we seem to have a lot of career ones these days who are desperate to hang onto their position because it is their only job. When I was younger our MPs tended to have other work to resort to if they withdrew from politics or were thrown out at an election and there were quite a few of them who used to resign and do the honourable thing even if it meant financial hardship and obscurity.Does not seem to occur now. Also there seems a hint in your post that there is some name-calling - really uncalled for.
Many moons ago when I was in junior high, my English teacher's husband ran for some minor local office not because actually wanted to win; but he was a lawyer and back then lawyers were not allowed to advertise so he ran for office primarily as a back door means of advertising.