US DVD release of Series 27 (Vintage 2006) delayed


Dedicated Member
February is when a new series of LOTSW has been released in the US/Region 1 the last few years but it looks like that's not going to be the case this year. Series 26/Vintage 2005 came out last fall but the next series just got delayed at the last minute from February 2 to June 21.

I'd grab the 27/28 (which is really 26/27) UK set and just run it on my region free DVD player, but since I already bought 26 last fall it doesn't make sense.
Here in Oz, February seems also to be the month when LOTSW DVDs are released. Series 27/28 is due out TODAY!!!!! Very shortly I shall be going shopping! :01::37:
nearly 2pm here..just been shopping.....Guess what I got?????????????? hehehehee

Must say the R4 cover for series 27 & 28 is the most lame I have seen, Howard, Smiler & Tom against a plain grey background looking skyward :sleep: