Viz magazine.


Dedicated Member
I know it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea but i thought i'd let you know that there's still some new LOTSW knocking about! The latest copy of Viz has this strip about the three lads making a nuclear bomb! Back in the early eighties a mate of mine was at Newcastle Uni' and he was always bringing back copies of Viz for us. I'd not read a copy for years until one of the younger lads at work started to buy it. There's still some funny stuff in it....if you've got a warped mind:p 53285608_1108820825957279_7841773846205038592_n.jpg53796637_398314404281127_7176895720325120000_n.jpg
Funny, what I could read of it. Good quality artwork of the characters. Thanks for posting.

Is there a way to see a larger version of the comic strip? Would like to read more of their LotSW focused work. I did a quick search of Viz and it seemed to come up mostly anime / manga type stuff. Was I in the right place? Hang on, are you trying to hint to us that you (or we) might have a warped mind ferret, hehe? ;)
The magazine originates from my home City Newcastle upon Tyne written by the Donald Brothers . It is a magazine with a cast of characters aimed at an adult audience . Rick , here is the link to the page for overseas subscribers if you are interested . Two of the characters Roger Mellie the man on the telly and Sid the Sexist made it to DVD . Both are cartoons , Roger being voiced by the sadly departed Peter Cook . They are both on You Tube . Links to Roger Mellie on You Tube below.

Didn't like some of the dialogue, but very well drawn, and some good observations despite of everything.
I posted the You Tube reference in a direct response to the question about VIZ , what I omitted to do and I must apologise was to post a warning that the language is really strong . I did point out that it was for an adult audience , the whole magazine is most definitely for adults , it can be extremely offensive and as such if anyone does not wish to hear or read offensive material then please do not click the link or indeed purchase the magazine.