

Dedicated Member
What a pleasant surprise to find that Waldo is funny - sometimes hysterically. I was disappointed to see him show up when I saw the first episode years ago. He's not so bad.
Waldo is great!!! One of my all-time favorite SW characters. There
are many many bits, early on when Tom arrives, where the interplay
between Waldo and another (human) character catches you
just enough by surprise. Those are the times when Waldo does
seem almost alive.

Tom has not been one of my favorites, but I forgive him
because he brought Waldo to the show.

When Waldo catches me by surprise I usually end up laughing til tears run.

Glad to know we agree on Waldo and Tom. I do like Tom's accent, but that is about it.

By the way, I'm not 64 and don't know where that came from. There are days when I feel lots older than I am, but I'm not 64.

Just letting you know.
