Wall fixture/faucet thing?


New Member
New to the forums, nice to meet everyone.

Not sure if this this is the right place to ask, but can anyone identify this thing? It’s on the wall behind Clegg’s kitchen sink and looks to be some sort of fixture or dispenser.IMG_0278.jpeg
Hi Atb90, welcome to the forum.

This is an old fashioned hot water dispenser I think, I'm just about old enough to remember them. I think they were common before you had centrally heated water, but I'm sure someone will elaborate/correct me if I'm wrong.
New to the forums, nice to meet everyone.

Not sure if this this is the right place to ask, but can anyone identify this thing? It’s on the wall behind Clegg’s kitchen sink and looks to be some sort of fixture or dispenser.View attachment 7925
It was a gas powered water heater that was common in the UK, but due to carbon monoxide poisoning from these types of heaters in poorly ventilated rooms they were banned, there was a larger version often fitted in bathrooms to heat the water

Both the knowledge and expediency are greatly appreciated! Having this question answered is a very warm welcome and I can’t wait to tell my dad. We have wracked our brains on what that could be. We’ve rewatched the series I don’t know how many times, so I decided to try to find an an answer and stumbled upon these forums.

Thanks again for your time!
Both the knowledge and expediency are greatly appreciated! Having this question answered is a very warm welcome and I can’t wait to tell my dad. We have wracked our brains on what that could be. We’ve rewatched the series I don’t know how many times, so I decided to try to find an an answer and stumbled upon these forums.

Thanks again for your time!
You are very welcome and enjoy your time on the forum
Sorry to switch Roy Clarke comedies but your post reminded me of one of my favorite calls from Sheridan to Hyacinth where she says "What's that Dear, you and Tarquin want to visit Iceland to explore the Geysers?" :D :D :D
The switch is very welcome, Keeping up Appearances is also one of our more quoted and enjoyed shows! Richard’s exasperation with Sheridan’s money calls are never not funny. My only complaint about the show is that it ended too soon, those last episodes are great. Richard asking what that guy showing the cottage said and Hyacinth replying, “ I don’t know, but I felt every syllable.” cracks me up everytime.
My whole-house water heater is a modern version of the earlier gas ones shown here. It's a demand water heater, venting to the outdoors, but adding to the pollution load only while I'm running hot water. Costs about $25 and some change a month to run. The ~$25 is the fee for having a gas meter, the change is for the gas used. It's my only gas appliance. I had it installed after the latest in a series of tank-type water heaters suddenly emptied all over the cellar floor.