Wall plaque?

Maggie Jones

Dedicated Member
Can anyone advise if there's some kind of wall plaque at the side of Nora Batty's house where there's a path way that Compo and the boys use to get to his house? I can't seem to see it in early episodes but is face on to the camera when filming Nora brushing her front. It looks black with gold writing. I was wondering if it was some type of commemorative plaque.
If there was it does not seem to be there now Pete posted this in another thread the photo clearly shows the plaques in connection with it being accommodation that people can book to stay [Blue plaque next to the door]

Here is a closer view of those plaques Captain.

I seem to remember seeing a plaque on the wall up near Wally's old Pigeon Loft location, but don't know if that was in the show or if I saw it on some internet picture site.

I don't recall seeing it on my visit in July and I have just looked through all the photos I took there then and cannot spot it.

No this plaque is on the wall behind the first photo and id black on colour and it looks like gold writing on it. Could it be a type of street sign?
It should say "Be in fear for all that enter here !" or " Compo climbed these steps, in hope, a record breaking 300 times , and like an athlete with their laces tied between their shoes he fell at the first hurdle" :)
I have finally noticed this plaque. It is pretty big and appears in the 1991 series. It may be there slightly earlier but I noticed it for the first time today. I haven't been able to see what it says yet though.
This is also the series in which the outside throneroom in front on Nora's vanished. I will see if I can grab a screen capture
Ok here is a screengrab from Series 14 "Quick, Quick, Slow"


I cannot read what it says and so far I have not seen anything clearer but I will keep my eyes open
Thanks Brian. I was watching an episode the other day and the plaque wasn't there so I'm glad you've seen it too as I was starting to think I'd mixed up locations as the pathway outside Nora's seems to have changed over the years or am I imagining it?
Yes it could be. I thought it may be a plaque about the house being used on LOTSW as a type of tourist info, but that would have been too obvious at that stage as these type of plaques are usually placed after and not during the area being used for filming.