Wardrobe dress shortage


Staff member
I spotted this on Facebook,someone asked where they the same dress


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Looks like the same dress, maybe Nora gave it to a charity shop and Gordon's mother bought it!
Looks like the same dress, maybe Nora gave it to a charity shop and Gordon's mother bought it!

I believe it! I don't recall ever seeing it again on Nora after Some Enchanted Evening. I remember wearing that sleeve style and finding it uncomfortable. For some reason it felt very constraining, as though I needed to keep my elbows tucked in close to my waist. And I hated the unnatural feel of Empire waistlines!

Or vice versa:me:

Could be Happyjack but Nora wore it first in Some Enchanted Evening, :biggrin: Sorry did sound pedantic? :-[:-[

Also @index4u when Nora wore it it was a long dress so it must have been taken up.

I had a brown dress when was about 10 with those sleeves and they used to drive me potty, the lace was itchy and my elbows kept getting caught in the tight bit >:(
There can be something said for empire waists. They hide a multitude of figure problems.
First of all, I don't think I saw that episode because Nora actually looks half way not ugly in that picture. LOL Second, I use to have a blouse with sleeves like that! I liked it because it was purple and low cut. I'm kind of well endowed in the chest area, so low cut shirts are a must or else I feel suffocated. LOL You're right though, it does look like the same dress. Maybe Nora shops at thrift stores. :eek:
Well, I tried blouses that were, shall we say, low cut and, shall we say, couldn't couldn't get used to the breeze.