Dedicated Member
Good Morning, afternoon, evening depending on where you abide on the planet. I hope all goes well for you. I had a two-day break last week because of grief but since my return, I cannot find anything about Marianna. Are you OK my friend? Are you having problems because of your operation? It would be nice to hear from you
It was suggested to me that I get a web site. Why? I ask myself, do I need a web site? I don't eat flies unless, as suggested last week in a thread, they have got mixed up with the currants in a teacake. However, after giving much thought to the idea of having a web site, I decided to go ahead and get one organized. After hoards of thinking, {can you think in hoards?} and lots of searching, I came up with not one but two web sites. I have added a picture of them for you to peruse.

......Well, I think they look good.

It was suggested to me that I get a web site. Why? I ask myself, do I need a web site? I don't eat flies unless, as suggested last week in a thread, they have got mixed up with the currants in a teacake. However, after giving much thought to the idea of having a web site, I decided to go ahead and get one organized. After hoards of thinking, {can you think in hoards?} and lots of searching, I came up with not one but two web sites. I have added a picture of them for you to peruse.